Testimony of Pastor Lucy Marule, faithful disciple of Jesus Christ

Our next extraordinary woman is Pastor Lucy Marule who completed the NBI’s course. She has since established a church and is still teaching the NBI course at Hazyview Bible School.

Reflecting on her journey, she shares, “Back in 2008, I was the only woman among eleven men in Mpumalanga, under the guidance of Minister Koos Kriel. Despite the challenges, I persevered while others dropped out. Waking up at 05:30 every morning, I remained dedicated to the course. NBI equipped me with essential skills such as prayer, Bible interpretation, preaching, and managing various ministries. Today, I am grateful for staying the course, as God has been faithful to me.”

One of her students gave their testimony:

“In 2011, Pastor Lucy introduced me to NBI. Despite the challenges of traveling over 60 kilometres to deliver the modules, she motivated us to attend and complete the course. Transport was scarce in our rural area, but Pastor Lucy’s engaging classes made the days fly by. We were so absorbed in the teachings that we hardly noticed the time passing. More and more people from neighbouring churches sent their members to be trained by Pastor Lucy. My wife and I were among the first 10 members she trained, and after completing the NBI course, we started a church. Despite financial sacrifices and long hours of travel, Pastor Lucy continued to help others. She remained faithful and dedicated to her mission. We were situated in a building that had no writing boards, and a poor sewerage system with no clean water. There was no decent place to go for lunch. But just like the Apostles in the Bible, she was faithful and soldiered on.”

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