For Vincent, life seemed like it had always been a series of wrong turns. He grew up in a home where love was scarce, and he found himself drawn to the wrong crowd — a crowd that led him down a path of murder, robbery, and drug addiction.
Vincent was arrested at the young age of 16 and given a life sentence, alienated from his family and sent to spend the rest of his life in prison. At this point, he had no hope left in him.
But that all changed when he started working with Nehemiah’s Prison Ministries and its Building Bridges projects. Through the program’s correspondence courses and Christian reading materials, Vincent found a renewed sense of hope and redemption. “I never thought I could find hope in a place like this, but Nehemiah’s Prison Ministries showed me that even behind bars, I can still find forgiveness in the eyes of God. I am forever grateful for their work in helping me transform my life. I feel more peaceful now.” says Vincent.
In fact, our work has had such a major impact on him, that Vincent felt the need to clear his conscience. He confessed to two unsolved murders, releasing a burden he had been carrying for years. It was a difficult confession that could bring him another long prison sentence, but he knew that it was the right thing to do. With the support of Nehemiah’s Building Bridges project, he was able to confront his past and move towards a new beginning.
Vincent has since shared his story with other inmates, encouraging them to also get involved with our Prison Ministries. He is proof that no matter how dire a situation may seem, redemption is always possible with the right support and guidance.
We are proud of the progress Vincent has made and the positive impact he is having on others. Our team remains committed to helping more prisoners just like Vincent find hope, no matter what their past. We are grateful to be able to bring prisoners closer to God.