For many, imprisonment is all about confinement and punishment. But for Kyle, it became a place of redemption and transformation. After being convicted of a violent crime, Kyle found himself lost and struggling with emotions such as anger and guilt.
Through Nehemiah’s Building Bridges project, Kyle turned to God and away from a life of violence. This is his story.
Kyle’s journey began when he was just a young boy, struggling with bullying and feelings of anger and frustration. Sadly, these emotions led him to commit a violent act that caused severe brain damage to another learner in his school. While Kyle did not take a life, he knew that his actions had consequences that would follow the other person for the rest of their life.
After being sentenced to prison, Kyle turned to Nehemiah’s Building Bridges project to find redemption and healing. With the help of our courses, he is learning to accept the past, ask for forgiveness, and find peace and love in his life.
One day, while sitting alone in his cell, Kyle reached a breaking point. He spoke to God, telling Him he could not do it anymore. And at that moment, Kyle experienced a feeling of immense love and forgiveness. “I finally found the peace I had been searching for,” Kyle says. “I still carry the weight of my past, but now I have hope for my future.”
With the support of Nehemiah’s Building Bridges project, Kyle is now on a journey towards healing, forgiveness and acceptance. While his past actions will always be a part of his story, he is grateful for the chance to build a new future for himself and for those around him.