Testimony: Biblecor programs enhance my faith walk

I wrote to the counsellor of NBI a year ago and told her that since I received a life sentence I thought my life was over. I had drastic thoughts of suicide and could not forgive myself for what I had done. The harsh and condemning words of the Magistrate resounded over and over in my mind.

After the counsellor advised me to focus on God more and to enquire of God what he wants to say to me during this time and what positive impact can I make on others while I am in prison, I took her advice. I also started completing the Biblecor prison ministry programs which were very helpful. I learned to forgive myself and love myself again.

Since I arrived in prison, I have completed my matric, obtained a skills development certificate and a teaching certificate. I am now helping other offenders by running Afrikaans and Tswana classes inside the prison. I am also playing the keyboard and make time for God, to pray and read my bible from 18h00 – 19h00 daily, without fail. I am not only reading my bible, I am believing what the bible tells me and the Biblecor programs enhance my faith walk, which gives me the courage to face any challenge as I know that Jesus Christ is with me.

In the past negative things were always spoken over me, but today my peers make statements to me that are positive and promising (things I would have loved to have heard from my own family):

• You are a refined gentleman with wonderful manners
• Your life tells us the story of Jesus
• You are a musician that honors Jesus with your gifts
• You are a mentor to us
*Tiaan (name changed for identity protection)

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