1. Who may enrol for this program?
Any church leader, ranging from youth leader, Sunday School teacher, elder, deacon, reverend, evangelist to bishop and archbishop, will find this course very helpful in his/her daily duties. We do not have specific academic entrance requirements for enrolment. Participants only need to be able to read and write.
2. How does the application and registration work?
- Fill in the enrollment form
- Include a copy of your ID
- Send the application form to: [email protected] or WhatsApp 0748730254
- Registration will be processed and you will receive an acceptance letter
- Once you have received your acceptance letter, you can pay for your first module and send proof of payment
- Your study material will be sent to you
3. Can I join a learner group or start one in my area?
- NBI have learning centers in many areas that you could join, (enquire at the office if there is one close to you).
- We do encourage church leaders to form their own groups and mentor their students
- Students who belong to a learner group, qualify for discounted fees
4. How is the program structured?
Module 1: Equip the church for ministry
This module is the introduction to the Ministry Development Program. It aims to create a new vision for the ministry of the church and develop some of the basic skills needed for that ministry (interpreting the Bible, preaching, singing and worship). The church must understand that its main purpose is to serve the coming of God’s kingdom in this world. The practical wisdom of the historical and poetical books of the Old Testament will help in this process.
- God’s new world is coming!
- How to interpret the Bible
- Improve your preaching
- Improve your church music
- Study the Bible – Old Testament 3
Module 2: Build up the church
In this module the focus is on skills for building up the church. The aim is to build the whole church into a caring and nurturing community. People with special needs (such as those living with HIV and Aids, but also children and young people) must have a safe and loving environment to develop their potential with the help of spiritual companions. In many ways the message of the prophets is about being such a caring community.
- Pastoral care and counselling
- HIV and Aids: Light a candle of hope
- Develop a children’s ministry
- Train disciple makers (Youth Ministry)
- Study the Bible – Old Testament 4
Module 3: Reach out to the world
The last module deals with the calling of the church to be involved in God’s mission of changing the world. It is not just about evangelism, but also about being God’s agent of transformation and reconciliation in the whole community. It is about reaching out to all people in the world, including people of other religions, to share the love of God. The study of the New Testament helps a lot to understand the missionary character of the church.
- Bring Good News to the world
- Make a difference to your community
- Deal with conflict in God’s way
- Reach out to people of other religions
- Study the Bible – New Testament 2
5. How is the program assessed?
For each topic there is an assessment, which consists of multiple choice questions and short answers and group discussions, for marking.
6. What are the objectives of the program?
This learning program is designed to help church leaders at the grassroots level who have not had the opportunity to obtain theological training. We therefore encourage church leaders who are already in ministry, who can apply what he or she learns in the practical situation of a congregation, meeting the practical needs of church workers in the African context. This program will assist you to develop a children’s ministry and training of youth leaders. Your pastoral care and counselling skills will be enhanced. The program will help you learn how to resolve conflict within the church environment in a Christian manner.
7. What do I obtain after completion of the course?
A certificate of completion will be issued by University of Pretoria.