Vision: Living churches with spiritually competent leaders serving the coming of God’s Kingdom in their church and the world. 

Mission: To help church leaders develop their leadership and ministry skills as servants of God through both distance & contact learning programs based on the Bible. 

A leaders who studies these courses will be able to:  

  • Gain sound knowledge about the Bible.  
  • Grow spiritually by serving God fully.  
  • Use what they gains to build other people up in their faith.  
  • Guide the church in the full truth of God’s Word and to protect it from false teachings. 

NBI is QCTO approved as a SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROVIDER (SDP CODE: SDP00925012018110201). 

We offer the two programs:  

  1. Occupational Certificate: Religious Associate Professional (Christian Religious Practitioner)-NQF Level 2 (156 credits), (SAQA code-101997),
    (QCTO Curriculum code- 263601004).  
  2. Occupational Certificate: Christian Religious Professional-NQF Level 5 (237 credits), (SAQA code101571),
    (QCTO curriculum code-263601005). 

In South Africa, official governing bodies such as the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) oversee the accreditation process, which safeguards the integrity and value of accredited programs. It is a seal of approval that shows a course meets quality standards set by an independent organisation. SAQA's accreditation process ensures that qualifications in South Africa are on par with international standards in specific areas of expertise. 

Accredited courses increase the student’s credibility and chances of finding employment in specialised areas, enhancing the growth and development of the broader South African workforce. Other institutions worldwide can also recognise them, making it easier for students to continue their studies. It is, however, important to note that only unaccredited courses can be considered in an RPL system, accredited courses do not qualify.

To be accredited, a body must meet certain criteria, including having the necessary resources and review mechanisms. The accreditation criteria are determined by the bodies assessing the courses based on factors such as instructors, curriculum, exams, student support, and learning outcomes. SAQA is responsible for accrediting bodies that monitor and audit education and training standards and qualifications. QCTO accreditation verifies that the skills development provider adheres to the required standards and criteria, ensuring that the skills, knowledge, and practical experience offered to students are of superior quality and pertinent to industry demands.

The way to check if a course is accredited is to contact the QCTO. If it is, they will provide an accreditation number which you can search for online. While SAQA does not directly accredit courses, it supervises SETA bodies that handle the accreditation process in various fields of expertise.

Nehemiah Bible Institute in Wellington, South Africa, is a QCTO-approved Skills Development Provider (SDP CODE: SDP00925012018110201) that offers two programs to enhance student’s ministry career skills:

1. Occupational Certificate: Religious Associate Professional (Christian Religious Practitioner): NQF Level 2 (156 credits), (SAQA code-101997), (QCTO Curriculum code- 263601004).  
2. Occupational Certificate: Christian Religious Professional: NQF Level 5 (237 credits), (SAQA code101571), (QCTO curriculum code-263601005).

These courses provide church leaders at the grassroots level the opportunity to get theological training. 

  • Most of our students are already in ministry. 
  • Students are expected to apply what they learn in the practical situation of a congregation. 
  • Our students range from youth leaders, Sunday school teachers, elders, deacons, reverends, evangelists, bishops to archbishops. 
  • The courses are designed according to the needs of church leaders in Africa.

Students to register before the registration closing dates: 28 Feb (1st Quarter), 31 May (2nd Quarter), 31 August (3rd Quarter), 30 October (4th Quarter).

  • Regulation 22b statement: NBI undertakes to discharge the responsibilities of a registered institution according to the relevant legislation.  
  • Registered as Non-Profit Company (NPC): Reg No 2004/033346/08.  
  • Registered non-profit organisation: 040-154-NPO.  
  • Registered Public Benefit Organisation with Article 18A tax exemption: 930013207.  
  • Member of Association of Christian Religious Practitioners: ACRP. 

Even though these are SAQA/QCTO accredited programs, completing them successfully does not guarantee work in any particular church, since each church is independent and decides on its own which qualifications it requires of its leaders.

NBI courses are also accredited by ACRP to be offered as Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses. Those who are interested can speak to us for further details. 

 Shortened as: SBMP SBMP has ten (10) modules, (10) books: It has 156 credits Duration of the course is 18 months (1 year, 6 months) Candidates do not need matric to do this course. They must be able to read and write. 


SBMP 01: The Bible as our basis of faith 

SBMP 02: Key aspects of Christian faith 

SBMP 03: The church as the community of believers 

SBMP 04: Be a true church leader 

SBMP 05: Doing the work of a Christian leader 

SBMP 06: Faith of the Christian community 

SBMP 07: Preaching ministry 

SBMP 08: Caring ministry 

SBMP 09: Managing church affairs 

SBMP 10: Bring Christ to the world

LMDP has SEVEN (7) modules, (13) books: It has 237 credits Duration of the course is 24 months (2 years) Candidates need matric to do this course. Those who do not have matric must prove to NBI that they can handle the course at this level. Through the RPL system, NBI will be able to assess candidates who do not have matric to see if they are competent enough to handle this course. 


  1. LMDP 01-Basic Christian concepts The purpose of ministry Embrace the Christian faith 
  2. LMDP 02-Bible and bible interpretation Learn to interpret the bible Study the bible – OT Study the bible – NT 
  3. LMDP 03-Build the relationship with God Grow through prayer and preaching Lead meaningful worship services 
  4. LMDP 04-Nurture fellowship in the church Build up the body of Christ Organise effective ministries 
  5. LMDP 05-Develop pro-active and reactive skills Develop a Christian lifestyle Practise pastoral care and counselling
  6. LMDP 06-Develop leadership skills Develop leadership and management skills
  7. LMDP 07-Reach out to the world

Step 1: Application

  • Fill in the application form in full. 
  • Include all the academic documents (certificates) in support of this application 
  • Send the application form to: [email protected] or WhatsApp to 086 68 78.  
  • Note: It is required that you provide an email address. It can be yours or a friend/relative.  

Step 2: Acceptance

The application forms will be checked whether the candidate qualifies. Proper guidance will be given accordingly. 

  • If you qualify you will be registered. An acceptance letter will be sent via email. 
  • Your are then allocated a student number

Step 3: Payments

Once you receive an acceptance letter you can pay the administration fee and the module fees. You pay for each module in advance. Your acceptance is provisional until payments are done.

Fee structure at the end of the prospectus.  The fees are inclusive of learning guides and administration related costs. 

  • Please notify the NBI registrar about the payment made via e-mail to [email protected] or WhatsApp 0748730254.
  • ABSA Bank
    Account Name: Nehemiah Bible Institute
    Account No: 405 979 3076
    Branch Code: 334510

Step 4: Study

  • Please use your student number in ALL your correspondence with NBI.  
  • Your modules will be sent via courier to the address you have provided. 
  • Please do not hesitate to call our office if you need further clarity. Office: 021-864 8258. 

NBI strives to provide excellent training experience. 

  • We are by law expected to provide guidance to people who want to study at NBI, and to place them on courses that they qualify for. 
  • We have to evaluate your application properly. 
  • Note that completing the application form does not guarantee acceptance. 
  • After internal processes have been done the candidates will be notified whether they are accepted. 

NQF level 2 admission requirements:

Future students are required to be able to read and write English. People who do not have matric are also welcome to apply. 

NQF level 5 admission requirements:

Future students must have a matric. If you do not have matric you will go through a process of Recognition of Prior Learning. NBI will evaluate your application. You will then be notified if your application was successful.

The Prior Learning Process decides if people will be able to handle the NQF level 5 course or they will still need to do the NQF level 2 course. 

Considerations in the RPL process:

  • Candidates who apply for RPL will be taken through a process of evaluation on the basis of age, ministry experience and educational/ theological training. 
  • NBI recognises the work students and leaders have done with NBI and the vast experience they have in ministry.  
  • NBI takes into account training received from other institutions for qualifications other than theology.  
  • NBI recognises old NBI courses, but each case will be dealt with per candidate. 
  • A form will be given to each candidate to fill in, followed by semi-structured interviews as part of the process, and if need be an assessment will be written by candidates. 

To get the certificate for the qualification each candidate must be assessed at the following levels/modes: 

Lesson Quizzes

Quizzes that measures how you are learning during the lesson: formative test 

All NBI students are expected to do all the practical exercises found in every lesson of the NBI learning guides. They are meant to help the learner understand as the study continues. 

Module Assessment

Assessments that measures “how much” you have learned after completing a module: summative test

Each NBI module goes with a workbook. The learners must do and complete all the assignments in the workbook. After finishing all the assignments they must give it to the mentor to sign all the assignments. After the mentor signs, the workbook must be sent to NBI office for marking. Unsigned workbooks can not be assessed. 

Practical Assignments

Workbook assignments with practical tasks 

The learner will have to perform a practical task, applying what has been learnt in a particular learning guide. You can’t achieve the qualification without completing the practical assignments. 

For both SBMP & LMDP courses, each module goes out with a workbook to serve as an assessment tool. In the workbook there are assignments and the learner must do all these assignments. Each learner must give the NBI office the name of the tutor or leader who will play a mentorship role and sign each and every work done. All the workbooks must be sent to the NBI office for marking to serve as a portfolio of evidence. However, learning groups can also agree to do the assessment together. The tutor/ facilitator will have to provide guidance in such cases and guard against learners copying each other’s work.

Final QCTO exam

Final QCTO exam that measures “what” you have learned after completing the course: EXTERNAL INTEGRATED SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (EISA) 

To receive the certificate for the qualification all students have to write the final exam (EISA), which is set by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO). 

Moderation of Workbooks, Formative and Summative Assessments, EISA Exams

It is important to have moderation in place to guarantee a fair evaluation process for both formative and summative assessments in workbooks. The main goal of moderation is to have a fresh perspective on each exam paper to assess the accuracy of the student’s responses and the fairness of the marking. This involves clarifying any unclear questions, evaluating the time given for answering, and analysing the writing style to determine if the student grasps the requirements. Moderation also checks the thoroughness of the marker’s assessment and ensures that the course material aligns with what was taught. Ultimately, moderation aims to maintain consistent grading standards for all students.

1. Who is eligible to ask for a workbook to be moderated?

If a student is dissatisfied with the marks given, they can request for the moderation process to take place. A facilitator or marker who is uncertain about the fairness of the process followed can also request moderation. Additionally, a marker who is unsure about their marking accuracy in specific questions can request moderation as well.

2. How does a student request moderation?

A student can request moderation by asking their facilitator to send their workbook, which includes both formative and/or summative assessments, to the NBI office for internal moderation. The workbook should have a letter attached to the front cover explaining why moderation is needed and specifying if it relates to specific questions or the entire workbook. If the student does not have their workbook, they can request moderation via email to [email protected] stating their student number, full name, email address, and cell phone number, to receive the moderation outcomes after the moderation process has been followed.

3. How long does a moderation process take and what will happen thereafter?

The sooner the workbook is submitted to the NBI office, the faster the results and consequences will be provided. The moderator will coordinate with the office to make any necessary adjustments to the marks recorded. The student will be informed of the results by the moderator, assuming that the student has shared their contact information. If not, the facilitator will be informed by the moderator if the student is part of a learner group.

4. May a student ask for moderation if they are dissatisfied with their EISA results?

EISA (exams) cannot undergo moderation at the NBI office unless a request is made through the Association of Christian Religious Practitioners (ACRP). ACRP, being the creators and overseers of EISA, has designated moderators who adhere to specific external moderation procedures. Students can contact ACRP directly at [email protected].

Assessment Centres for OC: Christian Religious Practitioner (NQF L2: 101997) and Christian Religious Professional (NQF L5: 101571)
Trading Name of   Institution PHYSICAL ADDRESS Town / City Province Postal Code
Association of Christian   Religious Practitioners (ACRP) 125 Blake Street Riviera (Pretoria) Gauteng 0084
Association of   Christian Religious Practitioners (ACRP) 126 Blake Street Riviera (Pretoria) Gauteng 0084
ETTA (Excel   Theological Training Academy) Collage Church, Cnr   Gypsum &Hornblend str Elarduspark Pretoria Pretoria Gauteng 0181
ETTA (Excel   Theological Training Academy) Collage Church, Cnr   Gypsum &Hornblend str Elarduspark Pretoria Pretoria Gauteng 0181
Excel   Theological Training Academy CO Viro Crescent and   Buchan Road, Baruch park, Stikland Stikland Western Cape 7530
Excel   Theological Training Academy CO Viro Crescent and   Buchan Road, Baruch park, Stikland Stikland Western Cape 7530
Johannesburg   Bible College 30 Hampton Avenue,   Auckland Park, Johannesburg Johannesburg Gauteng 2092
Luther Varsity   in Southern Africa (NPC) 3-8 Atlas Road DENEL   Kempton Park Campus Bonaero Park Kempton Park Gauteng 1622
WNL Network   Training Academy Cnr of Trichardts and   Kingfisher’s Ave, Sunward Park, Boksburg. Boksburg Gauteng 1459
WNL Network   Training Academy Cnr of Trichardts and   Kingfisher’s Ave, Sunward Park, Boksburg. Boksburg Gauteng 1459
BEPE   Developments 37 Genugie Road, New   Germany Pinetown Durban KwaZulu-Natal 3600
Reaching a   Generation Leadership Academy (RaGLA) Shikwaru Game Lodge,   farm Geluk 285 Strerkrivier Mokopane   (Sterkrivier) Limpopo 0630
The Jericho   Ichibi Losindiso Church Plot 162 Brazil   Street, Mayfield, Benoni MAYFIELD; BENONI Gauteng 1520

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