Document which the mentor signs. This agreement gives the student an opportunity to do practicals, under the supervision of their mentor. This agreement also requires commitment from the mentor to mark the student’s assignments and give feedback to student, as well as extra support when needed.
The independent service provider is contracted without remuneration, for a period of twelve (12) months, automatically renewable annually, unless the employer or service supplier terminates the agreement, to provide services to NBI as a Facilitator.
An application form, to enrol as a student each quarter
A marketing brochure briefly explaining the different NBI programs available to students.
A marketing brochure briefly explaining the different NBI courses available to students.
A marketing brochure briefly explaining the different NBI prison ministry courses available to spiritual care workers and inmates countrywide.
A document which is signed by the student, explaining what to expect regarding assignments and assessments and the methods used to mark them.
An MOU to be signed by the Church as a workplace for the student to perform their practical training during their studies.
The Logbook forms part of the student’s Portfolio of Evidence (POE) thus must be completed and signed by mentors and uploaded onto the online platform, or submitted via email to the NBI office, after each module has been completed.
Previous NQF Level 5 EISA exemplars for students to practise for the exams
Previous NQF Level 5 EISA exemplars for students to practise for the exams
The recognition of prior learning (RPL) Application
Workplace Mentorship Agreement
Document which the mentor signs. This agreement gives the student an opportunity to do practicals, under the supervision of their mentor. This agreement also requires commitment from the mentor to mark the student’s assignments and give feedback to student, as well as extra support when needed.
The independent service provider is contracted without remuneration, for a period of twelve (12) months, automatically renewable annually, unless the employer or service supplier terminates the agreement, to provide services to NBI as a Facilitator.
An application form, to enrol as a student each quarter
Nehemiah Basic Program Brochure
A marketing brochure briefly explaining the different NBI programs available to students.
A marketing brochure briefly explaining the different NBI courses available to students.
A marketing brochure briefly explaining the different NBI prison ministry courses available to spiritual care workers and inmates countrywide.
A document which is signed by the student, explaining what to expect regarding assignments and assessments and the methods used to mark them.
Memorandum of Understanding Learner Placement
An MOU to be signed by the Church as a workplace for the student to perform their practical training during their studies.
Student Logbook (Moodle Module 1-8)
The Logbook forms part of the student’s Portfolio of Evidence (POE) thus must be completed and signed by mentors and uploaded onto the online platform, or submitted via email to the NBI office, after each module has been completed.
NQF 5 Christian Ministry Professional Exemplar Paper 1
Previous NQF Level 5 EISA exemplars for students to practise for the exams
NQF 5 Christian Ministry Professional Exemplar Paper 2
Previous NQF Level 5 EISA exemplars for students to practise for the exams
The recognition of prior learning (RPL) Application