1. Who may enrol for this program?

Any church leader, ranging from youth leader, Sunday School teacher, elder, deacon, reverend, evangelist to bishop and archbishop, will find this course very helpful in his/her daily duties. We do not have specific academic entrance requirements for enrolment. Participants only need to be able to read and write.

2. How does the application and registration work?


  • Fill in the enrollment form
  • Include a copy of your ID
  • Send the application form to: [email protected] or WhatsApp 0748730254


  • Registration will be processed and you will receive an acceptance letter
  • Once you have received your acceptance letter, you can pay for your first module and send proof of payment
  • Your study material will be sent to you

3. Can I join a learner group or start one in my area?

  • NBI have learning centers in many areas that you could join, (enquire at the office if there is one close to you).
  • We do encourage church leaders to form their own groups and mentor their students
  • Students who belong to a learner group, qualify for discounted fees

4. How is the program structured?

Module 1:  God calls church leaders

In this module we lay the foundation of the whole leadership and ministry development program. It focuses on the church leader’s spiritual life, calling, prayer life, attitude, style and skills for leadership. In our study of Genesis we learn about the origins and basics of life, faith and leadership.

  1. Grow in your spiritual life
  2. Called to be stewards
  3. Learning to pray
  4. Develop your leadership skills
  5. Study the Bible – Old Testament 1

Module 2: Understand the church

The second module focuses on the church. The learner who wants to be a competent church leader must understand the special character of the church, its history, how it grows and functions effectively and the role women can play in the church. The study of God’s way of organising the Israelite community in Exodus to Deuteronomy also helps us to understand what He expects from the church.

  1. A living and growing church
  2. The story of the church
  3. Good church administration
  4. The role of women in the church
  5. Study the Bible – Old Testament 2

Module 3: The church in action

In module 3 we deal with some of the most crucial aspects of the Christian life in which church leaders must give clear guidance. In Africa, particularly, we know the influence of spiritual forces and the importance of marriage and family life. People expect wise leadership from the church. Church services that are meaningful will equip Christians for these challenges. So too will the study

  1. Test the spirits
  2. Build happy marriages
  3. Help families to serve the Lord
  4. Meaningful worship services
  5. Study the Bible – New Testament 1

5. How is the program assessed?

For each topic there is an assessment, which consists of multiple choice questions and short answers and group discussions, for marking.

6. What are the objectives of the program?

This learning program is designed to help church leaders at the grassroots level who have not had the opportunity to obtain theological training. We therefore encourage church leaders who are already in ministry, who can apply what he or she learns in the practical situation of a congregation, meeting the practical needs of church workers in the African context. While developing your leadership skills, you obtain a broad overview of the bible and expand your bible based knowledge. This understanding enhances your bible interpretation skills.

7. What do I obtain after completion of the course?

A certificate of completion will be issued by University of Pretoria.

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