Church Leaders

Module 1: God calls church leaders    

Laying the foundation – the basics of church leadership
In this module we lay the foundation of the whole leadership and ministry development program. It focuses on the church leader’s spiritual life, calling, prayer life, attitude, style and skills for leadership. In our study of Genesis we learn about the origins and basics of life, faith and leadership

CLDP 1/1       Grow in your spiritual life    

Learners will understand the basic steps of becoming a Christian and growing in their spiritual life. It helps church leaders to build up their own spiritual life and be equipped to guide others in the process of spiritual growth.



CLDP 1/2       Called to be stewards

Learners apply biblical principles and guidelines for stewardship in the church and the community. Church leaders learn to be accountable to God in the way they handle all the gifts and responsibilities entrusted to them.



CLDP 1/3       Learning to pray

Learners develop their own prayer life by applying biblical principles for praying. They acquire the skills to motivate and train others to use spiritual disciplines that will help them to grow mature in their prayer life.



CLDP 1/4       Develop your leadership skills

By following the example of Nehemiah, one of the highly effective leaders in the Bible, the learner will develop the qualities of a leader inspired by God and acquire the skills to guide the church and community towards the achievement of God’s purpose for their life.



CLDP 1/5       Study the Bible (Old Testament I)

The learner will understand and apply the message of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, to contemporary life in the church and community. Since Genesis is the book of origins, the study of this book will help the learner to formulate key aspects of biblical teaching.



Module 2Understand the churchBuild-walls

Building the walls – context of church leadership

The second module focuses on the church. The learner who wants to be a competent church leader must understand the special character of the church, its history, how it grows and functions effectively and the role women can play in the church. The study of God’s way of organising the Israelite community in Exodus to Deuteronomy also helps us to understand what He expects from the church.

CLDP 2/1       A living and growing church

This learning program will help learners to be good church leaders, who understand the true nature of the church and have a basic competence in helping their church to grow.



CLDP 2/2       The story of the church

Learners will gain a basic knowledge of the history of the church, especially its development in the African context. The special contribution of the African Initiated Churches (AICs) is highlighted. Learners are guided to build bridges between churches and develop good mission strategies.



CLDP 2/3       Good church administration

Learners discover what the Bible teaches about good church administration. They learn to do good planning, write a constitution for the church, apply proper measures of discipline and organise meaningful meetings. They also acquire skills for financial administration and management.



CLDP 2/4The role of women in the church

Learners examine the biblical view about the role of women in the church and community and are challenged to empower women to take their rightful place, using all their special gifts in opportunities for leadership and ministry.



CLDP 2/5       Study the Bible (Old Testament 2)

Learners work through the Old Testament books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy to find the message which they can apply to contemporary life and ministry. They learn to interpret and apply the meaning of the deliverance from slavery in Egypt, the Jewish festivals, the Ten Commandments, the tabernacle, the cultic objects and sacrifices, and the role of   the priests.


Module 3: The church in actionBuild-windows

Fitting the windows – application of church leadership

In module 3 we deal with some of the most crucial aspects of the Christian life in which church leaders must give clear guidance. In Africa, particularly, we know the influence of spiritual forces and the importance of marriage and family life. People expect wise leadership from the church. Church services that are meaningful will equip Christians for these challenges. So too will the study of Jesus’ life and ministry in the Gospels.

CLDP 3/1       Test the spirits

The course is about spiritual discernment. It helps the learner to understand the person and work of the Holy Spirit, and the world of spirits around him or her. From the basis of this understanding it guides the learner to respond from a Christian and biblical perspective.



CLDP 3/2       Build a happy marriage

This learning program helps learners to build a happy marriage by understanding God’s purpose for marriage, dealing with the dangers that destroy marriages and following God’s way to a happy marriage. It also equips the learner to guide other couples to happiness in marriage.



CLDP 3/3       Help families to serve God

Learners are equipped to deal with challenges in their own families and assist other families through counselling. All the major issues in family life are addressed, like the responsibilities of all family members, the need for  guidance about sex, the importance of communication and family worship, the way to manage family money and deal with the wider family.



CLDP 3/4       Meaningful worship services

The essence of true worship is investigated. Learners study the important elements (singing and dancing, confessing, praying and preaching) and the practical requirements of a worship service. The course also deals with special services, feasts, funerals, holy communion and baptism. Special attention is given to the views of the AICs.



CLDP 3/5       Study the Bible (New Testament 1)

A survey of the four Gospels is done in order to get a full picture of the life, the true nature, the teaching and ministry of Jesus Christ. The course analyses his preaching about the kingdom of God, his use of parables, his miracles and his way of dealing with people. Eventually it emphasises the meaning of his death and resurrection.

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