Bonnytown Youth Centre

We visited Bonnytown Youth Centre on 14 October 2022 in Kraaifontein, where we handed over free Bible study courses. The Spiritual Care Worker, Mr Christiaan Harmse is responsible for the spiritual care and growth of the approximately 80 boys housed there, aged between 13 and 17. These teenagers are awaiting trial for alleged crimes committed. Some of the boys are in protective custody, until sentenced, whereafter they will be moved to an adult prison.

These teens come out of dysfunctional homes and have social challenges which led them to where they now find themselves. The

social ills include alcohol and drug misuse. Many of these youth are seeking shelter from the detrimental circumstances in their local community environments.

Bonnytown presents various programs to the youth:

  • Sports
  • Woodwork
  • Sewing
  • ABET classes
  • Bible study classes

Ons het op 14 Oktober 2022 Bonnytown Jeugsentrum in Kraaifontein besoek waar ons gratis Bybelstudiekursusse oorhandig het. Die godsdienswerker daar saam met wie ek tans werk, is mnr Christiaan Harmse. Hy is verantwoordelik vir die geestelike versorging van die seuns wat daar tuisgaan.

Hierdie jeugsentrum akkommodeer sowat 80 jong seuns tussen die ouderdom van 13 en 17 jaar. Die seuns het misdade gepleeg en is nou verhoorafwagtend. Nadat hulle gevonnis is, sal hulle na volwasse tronke oorgeplaas word. Die seuns kom uit gebroke huise en het sosiale probleme ondervind, wat daartoe gelei het dat hulle by misdaad betrokke geraak en selfs dwelms begin gebruik het. Daar is ook ’n groep seun wat net in veilige bewaring gehou word omdat hulle onveilig voel in hulle gemeenskappe.

Bonnytown Jeugsentrum bied verskillende programme vir die seuns aan:

  • Sport
  • Houtwerk/naaldwerk
  • ABET-klasse
  • Bybelstudieklasse

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